Palestinians – a society based on self-inflicted misery on women and children in order to seek destruction of Israel

The coverage in US major media of the US Embassy opened in Jerusalem yesterday has been minimal or non-existent, while coverage of the latest “protests in Gaza” designed to attract attention away from the momentous occasion of the founding of Israel and opening the Embassy has been huge. Of course. Europe and the left wing in the US has appeasement sickness again, believing the Palestinians must be appeased in order to secure peace. Like Chamberlain with Hitler. And President Obama with everyone. This is misguided strategy and diplomacy. Moving the Embassy took guts, and has taken a significant obstacle to peace off the table. There are hopefully more to follow opening a path to a solution.

Palestinians, instead of bettering themselves and their society, have spent 50 years sacrificing their women and children to kill Jews and Israel. What can be said of a society that is represented only by the misery they have brought upon themselves to eschew peace and try to get sympathy for the destruction of their neighbors? Israel built its nation with plows, hard work, education, technology and innovation, turning a desert into an oasis. The Palestinians took many many billions of dollars of aid, and perfected bomb-assembly and tunnel digging, little else. Until a giant mirror is erected for these self-immolated people to see their totalitarian leaders are feckless and horrid, misguided and cruel they will wander in this misery forever. Palestinians would be better served learning from Israel’s successes than casting stones, and learning to live together with their neighbors instead of crushing a people who have no intention of ever being crushed again.

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