Will Hutton of the Observer – Complaining about how Strong the US President is…really!

Pardon the enormous amount of sarcasm and utter loathing below concerning Will Hutton’s article entitled “The world struggles to deal with Trump’s erratic and capricious ways” republished in the Taipei Times on 5/29/18 on page 9.

Will, Will, Will – you’ve been a fool for at least the past 16 years, as long as I’ve been writing in the Taipei Times. Of course you despise Trump, he is a blunt tool to Obama’s feckless, weak and impossibly hesitant administration. “Both see yet more opportunities spinning out of Trump’s incredible stupidity in deliberately destabilizing the very system from which the US benefits” – uh, excuse me. It was Obama who threw every ally under the bus, and embraced our enemies as brothers – which had the effect of allowing China and Russia to soar to new heights, empowered Iran, Syria, the Palestinians, especially Hamas, and North Korea built bombs and missiles, and Europe waffled and waffled and waffled – France was suddenly important because the US withdrew from its position under Obama. Will, Will, Will…are you kidding me?

“Has a bigger fool ever occupied the White House?” Of courseObama, preceded by Jimmy Carter, both enshrined in the Idiot Weak Presidents Hall of Fame. Do you not understand that Obama came in on a campaign of “Change”, only the change he had in mind was de-fanging and castrating the US, and allowing its enemies a golden period of growth and hegemony? Red lines followed by terminal hesitation. Obama left the planet in FLAMES and CHAOS. Flames and chaos. Has there ever been a worse president? (I used to think Carter was the worst, but geez, it is a close race between Obama and Carter as to who is the bigger fool). Of course you like this American weakness better than a strong, unpredictable blunt tool – you hated Reagan too, but he helped bring down the Soviet Union. Europe has more clout when the US is weak. Will, Will, Will…

“Give no quarter, look for the other side’s weakness and brutally cut the deal to walk away taller and prouder yourself.” Are you kidding me? You actually reject this strategy for winning against the likes of Russia, Communist China, North Korea, Iran, and so on and so on? Are you joking? Of course you’re not joking. All we need to do is open the European Manual for Negotiation and see that the chapter on tough negotiating is 3 pages long, and the chapters on Appeasement, and Compromise are each 57 pages long, including the 7 page footnote on the greatness of the Chamberlain School of Diplomacy. Sigh. Will, Will, Will, when will you ever learn?

“NATO is tolerated because members are increasing defense spending as demanded. ” Are you suggesting the US owes it to the EU to defend it, protect it, go to war for it without the EU lifting a finger? Is there a single conflict in the Universe that the world would feel safe having the EU military defend against? Any? How could it? The non-US NATO guidebook on military conflict has a chapter on The Art of War which is 2 pages long, and there is a 77 page chapter entitled “Run Away!!” Will, Will, Will….what are you thinking?

“North Korea must overtly bend to US will if there is to be a summit.” Will, Will, Will…are you out of your mind? Is there anything wrong with bringing North Korea to heel? Are you kidding me? Are you actually in favor of appeasing it, giving N.Korea leeway, giving Kim a ….well you know? Are you insane? You think it is bad that the US President can be tough with N. Korea in a very real way, and bring about peace? It is yahoos like you and the rest of the EU that encourage evil to be brave and intransigent, because they know the EU will blink, blink, blink. Sigh. Will, Will, Will…what the hell are you thinking? Just stand back and let us do our work. Watch and learn. Or else, if you can’t look, like perhaps you watch scary movies through your fingers or from behind your popcorn, just close your eyes, and mumble to yourself. “Yada, yada, yada, yada, yada….is it over yet?”

“Foreign policy has become a series of zero-sum games: The US has to win each one.” DUH!! Is there something tragically wrong with you? Do you actually think we should LOSE a conflict? You think we need to be fair with evil such as Russia or China or Iran or North Korea? God, how can you be so stupid?? The hits just keep coming and coming. Now I understand fully why the situation in Israel has never been solved, because Europe is so feckless, so appeasing, so worried, so weak, so pathetic, we have to do it ourselves…God, you are so pathetic. So you understand that in twenty years Europe will be the Middle East? So vacuous. Will, Will, Will….what will you be writing twenty years hence, and in what language?

“Furthermore, it fragments the entire alliance network — and legitimizes Russia and China. Thus Russia and the Europeans are acting in concert to sustain the Iranian denuclearization deal.” We legitimize Russia and China??? We? By opposing a ridiculous deal that allows Iran to hide its program at military sites, and develop weapons and missiles in a mere ten years?!! You idiots. YOU are legitimizing these evil regimes by deviating from your already meager senses, and scrambling according to Macron to save the deal so the EU can keep its business deals with Iran…and WE are wrong??? The EU crawled into bed with the Mullahs, the Russian Tzar Putin and the Emperor Xi to oppose the U.S….YOU GUYS DID THAT. Idiots! Will, Will, Will…what the hell is wrong with you?

“The best response is to show no weakness and stand up to him”. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Will, Will, Will…do you even realize how stupid you sound?? You are advocating standing up to Trump to punish him for standing up to the world’s worst regimes… How stupid is that? Idiots. Sure, throw your ally under the bus, that is the European way, isn’t it? With friends like you, who needs enemies, right? Will, Will, Will….What the hell is wrong with you?!

“However, Macron and Merkel have the power of the EU behind them, itself now the world’s best and most powerful custodian of a rules-based international system. *** Britain is a weakened onlooker — a flyblown lion unable to muster more than a whimper. Our capacity is reduced by Brexit, just as we — and the world — need so much more.” Oh God. Will, Will, Will…you think that is going to bring evil to heel? You really think “the power of the EU” is scary to anyone except some poor EU worker who earns a Euro and has to contemplate paying 80% of it to the EU government for taxes? Power of the EU??? In what universe are you dreaming, Will? You think Xi, Putin, Kim, the Ayatollah, Assad all go to sleep at night thinking, thinking, thinking how to deal with the big bad EU? Or so you think they think of the EU, see dollar signs, smile in their sleep, and dream of visions of sugarplums dancing in their heads? God, you are so dumb. How is it even possible? Will, Will, Will….and you wrote this and published it…in the Observerfor all to see? That should give you nightmares. What the hell were you thinking??!!!

President Tsai’s Passive Demeanor Betrays Her Passion for Democracy, Justice and Freedom for Taiwan in the Shadow of Communist China’s Mortal Fear of Such Things

In Taiwan recently, much has been written on the second anniversary of President Tsai Ing-wen’s (蔡英文)  inauguration as President, about the criticism of her policies and her apparently “low” ratings.

I wrote often of these things. President Tsai has to contend with undoing all the damage done to Taiwan by her predecessor, Ma Ing-jieou for 8 years, and by all those Chinese Nationalist Party’s (Guomindang or KMT) leaders before him, and doing so in 2 years has been impossible. She has been facing issues in Taiwan which are generational or historic in nature, and she is faced with criticism both for being too quick and too slow at the same time. I agree that there seems to be excessive dithering by her administration, but it is like choosing the frying pan or the fire, and there is danger in either direction.

Reform is change, and change is often unpopular, particularly in Taiwan. This explains why “maintaining the status quo” is often the most popular choice of the majority of the people, a matter of accepting the way things are, the way people can bear, the way to survive (even thrive, if possible). Most people are unwilling to accept risk, and there is risk on every possible side of every possible choice. Most critics though, on both sides, do not really offer much help (for instance, having yet another government body make some decisions on transitional justice, while the Ill-gotten Party Assets Settlement Committee makes other decisions is definitely not a way to expedite justice – the results will never be popular for any KMT member, and there are enough KMT members in Taiwan to make a loud noise – many of us feel the Committee has been too ponderous, taking too long to effect transitional justice without the government prosecuting the people responsible for money laundering and fraud and other defalcations related to the KMT’s generations of theft from Taiwan), and simply do what is most common these days, which is just criticize.

President Tsai’s tasks are difficult. At some point she needs to be decisive, pursue the policies she believes in, be resolute and strong. Her tendency to be less emotional than some regarding her beliefs leaves many underwhelmed with her leadership. However, her stability can be reassuring if she can find a way to better communicate her passion to improve Taiwan’s and its people’s stature and health, and inspire Taiwanese to embrace a new path, finally resolve and throw off its 60 years of Party-state handcuffs, and step out into the world away from China and its persistent insult and injury, and get on with improving Taiwan’s already impressive accomplishments and stature, move out from under the shadow of Communist China, and establish new and enduring relations with the rest of the world.

But Taiwanese must realize this, and realize it well – electing KMT members will only result in reversing the great steps taken forward, bring Taiwan back into the death-embrace of Communist China, and kill Taiwan’s democratic freedoms and justice. The KMT will do this for a seat at the Communist Party table, having essentially mouthed the words of its dead leader Chiang Kai-shek (蔣介石) for decades while betraying every fiber of his hatred for communism by kneeling before the Emperor Xi as Taiwan previous President Ma Ing-jieou did before he left office, and sucking up to every single aspect of China’s evil plans for the world – all for $$ and KMT pride. Taiwanese must beware. There is a Lien Chan lurking in every corner of the KMT’s apparatus cackling and salivating at the chance to shake the hand of a Communist leader and get a pat on the head. “Good boy! Sit!”

Palestinians – a society based on self-inflicted misery on women and children in order to seek destruction of Israel

The coverage in US major media of the US Embassy opened in Jerusalem yesterday has been minimal or non-existent, while coverage of the latest “protests in Gaza” designed to attract attention away from the momentous occasion of the founding of Israel and opening the Embassy has been huge. Of course. Europe and the left wing in the US has appeasement sickness again, believing the Palestinians must be appeased in order to secure peace. Like Chamberlain with Hitler. And President Obama with everyone. This is misguided strategy and diplomacy. Moving the Embassy took guts, and has taken a significant obstacle to peace off the table. There are hopefully more to follow opening a path to a solution.

Palestinians, instead of bettering themselves and their society, have spent 50 years sacrificing their women and children to kill Jews and Israel. What can be said of a society that is represented only by the misery they have brought upon themselves to eschew peace and try to get sympathy for the destruction of their neighbors? Israel built its nation with plows, hard work, education, technology and innovation, turning a desert into an oasis. The Palestinians took many many billions of dollars of aid, and perfected bomb-assembly and tunnel digging, little else. Until a giant mirror is erected for these self-immolated people to see their totalitarian leaders are feckless and horrid, misguided and cruel they will wander in this misery forever. Palestinians would be better served learning from Israel’s successes than casting stones, and learning to live together with their neighbors instead of crushing a people who have no intention of ever being crushed again.

Project Syndicate Adores China (and seems to Despise Israel) – Read Project Syndicate with Great Care, it is NOT Our Friend

I am writing with regard to the article published by Project Syndicate, and republished in the Taipei Times on May 1, 2018 on p. 8 entitled China Should Follow WTO Rules written by Martin Feldstein.

While not bashing Israel, Project Syndicate seems to make great efforts to glorify Communist China and the new Emperor Xi. This is another Project Syndicate “hail China” article. Is it any surprise? What is wrong with these people? George Soros continues to seek a revolution with totalitarian flavor in the world (a “World with Chinese Characteristics” – he would really love that, it seems). Truthfully, this article and Martin Feldstein, disgusted me from the very first line: “I am a great admirer of China and its ability to adjust its economic policies to maintain rapid growth, but now that it has risen to the top of the global economy…” WHAT ABOUT ITS TOTALITARIAN DICTATORSHIP AND CRUSHING OPPRESSION OF ITS PEOPLE? Not one word. Not one.

Professor Feldstein recounts how he traveled to China in 1982, and how poor it was, and governed by a communist regime. Even then he makes no reference to the nature of the regime – and that is the point – very little has changed since 1982 aside from having beguiled the world into sending trillions of dollars into building up the world’s biggest threat to freedom. I think as an economist, Martin looks at the Chinese economic experiment and marvels at it, sort of like a biologist might examine anthrax or the plague and marvel at the complexity and efficiency at killing. At least the biologist recognizes the threat to humanity. Here, well….only marveling. This kind of appeasement of China is one of the most dangerous aspects of this platform, filling heads around the world with glowing praise for China, a silent killer adept at its own propaganda and blackmail.

Where does Project Syndicate find these pro-China hacks with stellar resumes? You would think that as a member of the Reagan and Bush administrations, Feldstein might have developed a healthy perspective on China’s menace to the world. Perhaps he was brainwashed and turned sappy when he served in the Obama administration and then the Council on Foreign Relations.

Here is an example of another Harvard economist overwhelmed with admiration by the ease with which a totalitarian government can manipulate its economy to become whatever it wishes on the backs of over a billion peasants. Amazing what killing 80 million of its own people, and oppressing billions, strictly controlling every aspect of society and foreign competition at will, and stealing every single item of technology within its sticky, greedy hands, and elevating industrial espionage to a national duty can do for your economy.

Remarkably, Feldstein focuses only on China’s compliance with WTO requirements to admit China into the world as an international leader, and nothing else. He already puts their economy at the top. However, not one time, not one word, not a whisper is devoted to China’s horrendous treatment of its people, the complete absence of any freedom, rights, justice, free will, license, democracy, free enterprise, its aggression towards the South China Sea, its neighbors and in particular its obsession with destroying Taiwan’s democracy, a threat to China’s malignant one-party dictatorship. How is it possible that Feldstein, a member of three Presidential administrations, a supposedly world class economist cannot even recognize China’s hegemonic intentions (e.g. his glowing view of One Belt One Road, ignoring its threat to the world) and complete domination of its people, or that its economic “success” is done with blood on the Emperor’s hands?

This is why we are in danger. People like this, like Feldstein, with long resumes, appointments at the best universities (Harvard in his case), a large platform and absolutely no brains whatsoever in their empty Project Syndicate heads (empty aside from some economic guidelines, formulae and statistics, devoid of morality apparently). In my opinion, Mr. Feldstein is a brilliant economist and a complete idiot (something I feel he has in common with Joseph Stiglitz).




Taiwan is Not Switzerland

In an article published in the Taipei Times (“Politicians warn against entering China-US spat” March 20, 2018, p. 3) members of the Foundation on Asia-Pacific Peace Studies appear to argue that Taiwan must navigate a neutral path between China and the United States to avoid further danger.

What? Uh, no matter how much these meek pundits wish to believe that Taiwan is Switzerland, it is not, and never will be in any universe I can think of (and by the way, Switzerland, while outwardly appearing to remain neutral during the Nazi regime, could not (or would not) resist in every respect, because it was defenseless except for the mountains making invasion difficult, and because financially Switzerland was able to benefit from the Nazi regime, while enacting harsh refugee laws against Jews fleeing the Nazis, essentially yielding to Hitler’s genocidal plans).

The arguments set out in the Foundation’s meeting are fallacious. First, the ideas that Taiwan should “create another path to interact with the two powers to ensure its security” or “Taiwan should not choose sides in the conflict between the US and China, but should instead interact positively with both countries” are insane. The only way to ensure its security is to ally with someone who provides security. Lets see — uh, one giant neighbor who wants nothing but to destroy your leadership, swallow you whole and kill all of your freedoms, and kill any who oppose it – or, a nation of laws and freedom sworn to oppose totalitarian regimes hell bent on world domination and who has promised by its own law to protect you from such aggression. Uh…truthfully I don’t see much of a choice. At all. Unless suicide is the target. (By the way the strategy of “we don’t want to piss off China” is not a viable strategy because it is in fact a noose that tightens each time China want to squeeze. Weakness is not a strategy, it is suicide with a ruthless and brutal regime as the Chinese Communist Party, now led by the Emperor Xi).

Let me reiterate – there is no scenario where getting closer to China protects Taiwan – none. Think Icarus.

Second, the statement that “The US until this year approached its relationship with China as a constructive partnership” is completely wrong – even if someone in the State Department used those exact diplomatic words, Communist China has, since 1949, been considered one of the primary enemies of America’s democratic roots and world peace (notwithstanding President Obama’s meekness and general wussiness, and softness, especially around Hu and Xi). If those pundits at the Foundation meeting don’t know that, everything they said is useless. “[A] strategic competitor,” is a polite way of saying “mortal enemy”. Duh.

Thirdly, this statement, especially by a Democratic Progressive Party member is inane: “Exports to China account for about 40 percent of Taiwan’s total — four times the volume of Taiwanese exports to the US — so it is necessary for Taiwan to interact with China, Hsu said.” Uh…I believe the policy of the current Tsai administration is Go South, which means, less China, more anywhere else. That is the way to deal with the dependence former President Ma spent 8 years constructing to prevent Taiwan from ever becoming independent. The job of the administration is to diminish reliance on China, not grovel. What’s with the grovelling?

“[The ruling party] cannot deny responsibility and the [deadlock] has to be resolved.” Does this sound as stupid to you as it sounds to me? Does Hsu not understand that Taiwan cannot resolve the deadlock as long as the DPP is in power unless it is willing to surrender its platform and principles because China will not accept the DPP and prefers the China-centric KMT party? This administration’s duty and mandate is to help Taiwan survive China’s aggression and hegemony.

“The US is also experiencing military confusion” – what? Confuse this gentlemen (you get my drift). If these “pundits” (I use the term quite loosely) want to make a strategic military decision based on a collision at sea, go ahead, it just proves their nonsense. The US still maintains the strongest military on Earth.

“In response to China’s growing power and the US’ diminishing influence, Washington has two options to counter China: launching a trade war against China or playing the Taiwan card with the newly legislated Taiwan Travel Act, which encourages visits between Taiwan and the US at all levels, Su said.” This is the dumbest statement of all. The US Congress has always supported Taiwan, not to diss China but to support a democratic ally in need of defense and support against a sworn US enemy. If these idiots believe the US Congress passed the act to goad China, they are more clueless than I thought. The act was unanimously passed by the US Congress to support and protect Taiwan. Geez. What’s wrong with these people?

““While many East Asian countries have adopted hedging strategies and maintained a relationship with the US and China simultaneously, only Taiwan takes a one-sided approach [to build rapport solely with the US],” Su said.” Uh….could it be because China has not threatened for 70 years to invade and kill any of the other East Asian countries? Again, duh. Why do these people even have a platform to speak?

Basically it appears to me there is one truth. The closer Taiwan gets to the United States (something the US has in recent Administrations had some difficulty with), the less likely China will be adventurous. The situation has been backwards for years. Instead of the US hesitating to get involved with Taiwan’s relationship with China (there is no relationship, only revulsion by more than 86% of Taiwanese), China should be wary of getting involved in Taiwan’s superb relationship with the United States. That is the way Taiwan stays protected. Taiwan should be looking for ways to reinforce that relationship, not distance itself or run away. An opportunity has been presented. China will whine and moan. So what? Taiwan should grab the chance and run with it.

The Vatican is Miscalculating if the Pope Believes He Can Resist Beijing’s Control Over the Entire Church, Given the Terms Being Discussed

Rome is miscalculating if the Pope believes he can resist Beijing’s taking control over most of or the entire Church, given the terms being discussed.

It’s not easy to get a clear handle on the ideals of Pope Francis, based on his roots in Argentina. If not sympathy or affinity for socialism, communism, fascism, perhaps at the very least an understanding or tolerance. Does this explain the Pontiff’s willingness to engage Chairman Xi and Communist China? The Church has resisted for quite some time. Latin America is a hundred year history of failed regime after regime, often with the people’s interests and rights subjugated and their future mortgaged for power. Communist China is no different. There may therefore be some affinity .

An avowed atheist regime, one wonders how the Pontiff can accept the Communist Party’s notion of Catholicism in China (an extension of the Communist Party, according to Party dogma, which elevates the Party above all, including and especially above God (and in this case the Trinity)).

The Vatican has tiptoed around Beijing for decades to avoid losing the Church in China, but the Pontiff seems ready to accept the Communist Party having a hand in running the Church inside China. The trouble with this is that the Pope obviously has not read up on the Party’s idea of cooperation with any religion, Tibetan Buddhism being the prime example. In that case, the Party actually kidnapped the number two figure in the religion (the 6-year old Panchen Lama, Gedhun Choekyi Nyima, in 1995), and replaced him with a fake Chinese Communist Party Panchen Lama (much like the treatment the Vatican’s bishops in China have received, replaced in China by Communist Party bishops). The intrigue here is that the Panchen Lama’s job is to select the next Dalai Lama when the current Dalai Lama dies. In other words, having replaced the Panchen Lama selected by the Dalai Lama, China intends to take over the religion entirely by having the Party’s fake Panchen Lama appoint a Communist Party Dalai Lama as the next Dalai Lama, thereby absorbing Tibetan culture and religion into the Communist Party dogma, a takeover that has taken 60 years.

What could we see about the Catholic Church in 70 years if China were to take it over in China? Since the One Belt One Road plan is basically China’s Trojan Horse to infect every participating country throughout Europe, Africa and Latin America with Communist Party dogma and loyalty, it is likely the Party will attempt to influence all Catholics within its “sphere of influence” to abide by its Catholic dogma with Chinese Characteristics instead of the Vatican’s dogma.

Thus could end Rome’s reign over its own church and the billions of Catholics, replaced by Beijing’s. The Pontiff is seriously miscalculating if he believes he can outlast the Chinese Communist Party. It is a dangerous game he is playing with a regime with no morality. Very dangerous.


Dirty Tricks, Plumbers, Clintongate – DNC Partisans in the FBI, Justice Tried to Sandbag the Trump Campaign

Dirty tricks. Plumbers. Cloak and dagger. CLINTONGATE.

All of these come to mind in the intrigue involving Steel, his dodgy dossier, the select highly placed moles in the FBI and Justice Department actively supporting Clinton and actively seeking to sabotage the candidacy of Trump, and the misrepresentations made to the FISC in the FBI’s application for a warrant for surveillance of one of Trump’s advisors during the election. This alone warranted a much closer examination of the evidence, and the FBI achieved its success with lies, omissions and obfuscation. Plumbers and dirty tricks to affect an election. Heads must roll, indictments must ensue, testimony must be taken, I predict 5th Amendment pleas by persons inside and outside the Obama administration and inside the FBI, Justice Department, Perkins and DNC. Because the liberal media will never explain the significance of the Memo, most people will not catch the enormous significance of these defalcations, and how far up it goes within the DNC.

All of the dismissive commentary I have heard on liberal media in the hours since the “Memo” was released dismisses it as only part of the story, and argue that the FISC application for a warrant would not have relied on the Steel dossier alone and that there was a mountain of evidence. And yet…..

I have not heard one single “pundit” mention this line in the Memo: “Former FBI Deputy Director McCabe confirmed that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) without the Steel dossier information.”

In other words, the argument that there was a mountain of evidence to support the warrant besides the dossier is errant and irrelevant. Basically the FBI knew exactly what the FISC judge wanted to see (having a history of 99% success in obtaining warrants), and the mountain of evidence, which alone was insufficient to merit the warrant, was merely a distraction to make it appear the dossier was supported by a mountain of evidence. The Court was misled, and the lie was an official lie, a conspiracy among Steel, Perkins & Coie (counsel to the DNC), the DNC, the Clinton Campaign, and those Clinton supporters and Trump enemies within the Justice Department and FBI, following their leaders’ very obvious support for Clinton and opposition to Trump. Evidence of these things is explained in the Memo.

Pundits speculate that the FBI is traditionally apolitical. And yet….

And yet there is evidence that people appointed by Obama and hired by those so appointed supported the causes of the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton’s candidacy, and were utterly opposed to Trump becoming president., including Steel himself, as well as though at the FBI. The objectivity, and checks and balances were absent because of the ideology within those institutions imposed through the appointments by Obama. Those appointments and hirings continue to dog the President even today.

Basically Trump’s accusation that Obama wiretapped his campaign was correct. Bombshell. To get the wiretap, those involved in the application lied by omission, failing to notify the Court that the dossier was paid for by the Clinton Campaign, which would have cast it in a most unbelievable light. Bombshell. The application was shepherded by partisans who were Clinton acolytes and avowed enemies of President Trump. Bombshell.

Hearings in the Senate must be commenced. A special prosecutor must be appointed to prosecute those who sought to obtain the warrant with fake evidence and material misrepresentations.



Women’s rights are universal, not political – the left kidnapped the cause, making it exclusive, not “inclusive”

“The march in Washington took on the feel of a political rally when US Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and US Representative Nancy Pelosi, both Democrats, urged women to run for office and vote to oppose Trump and the Republicans’ agenda.”  Washington Post, 1/21/18 (Celebrities join march for women’s rights, encourage voting)

I agree with most of the principles of women’s rights, especially equality on all levels. Most people in the U.S. do abide by those principles, even the President.

By turning the women’s movement into a leftist movement of the Democratic Party, it becomes not “inclusive”, but in fact “exclusive”. The idea that emerges is that women who do not support the “Party” (the Democratic Party) are not deserving of the same rights (in fact, the idea floated is that if you support the President, as a woman you definitely do not deserve any rights at all). This is the legacy of President Obama, the Great Divider. He championed the concept of “us or them”, either his disastrous ultra-leftist views or extremism on the right. As it turned out, there were 60 million people who voted otherwise, and an enormous legion of people who eschewed both the left and the right. But women’s rights should not be political.

Women’s rights are universal, not political. Yesterday, in Los Angeles, the marches for women were replete with political speeches against the current administration and any policies the Democratic Party does not support. Those issues have nothing to do with Women’s Rights.

In fact, and most importantly, many of the men who have been caught up in sexual harrassment cases (like Harvey Weinstein, a very high level high roller in the Democratic Party, and also Michael Oreskes, Chief of the news division of National Public Radio (who actually managed NPR’s coverage of the sexual harrassment narrative at NPR in recent months), and other TV and Screen stars) were high level members of, or supporters of the Democratic Party and extreme liberal views, proving that women’s rights transcend party lines. By co-opting the movement, the liberal wing of the Democratic Party has isolated at least half the women in the world. Now how is that “inclusive”?

The “women’s movement” as defined by the Democratic Party, has been designed to include many issues irrelevant to the woman’s movement itself, such as BLM, anti-Trumpism, and illegal immigration. By swelling the ranks with many people with other axes to grind, it makes it appear the movement is bigger than it might be, and also part of the Democratic Party’s platform, but also in doing so it robs the women’s movement of its absolute purity and righteousness, and obscures the universality of women’s rights. Actually, the women’s movement needs to reach all women, not just liberals. Women’s right’s advocates have said that already, only the Democrats, so worried about economic success of the administration, have sought to piggyback on the opportunity of opening Pandora’s box of sexual harassment (and much to its chagrin, many of the casualties have been their very own male “treasures”).

Hypocrisy has come to reside in the left, to infect it really, and it is very scary and tragic. It is one of the chief reasons I abandoned the Party some years ago, because when I saw the ideological table, I was shocked to find the Obama wing of the Democratic Party sitting right next to the most extreme right wing acolytes, both adamant that their own speech is the only permissible speech, that only their own ideas were worthy of protection, and that everyone and everything else had to be suppressed, stopped, destroyed, even questioning the wisdom of free speech, and seeming to support China’s totalitarian system and Palestinian terrorism.  College campuses have become infected with this rot, and Obama’s political correctness has produced calls for many unconstitutional restrictions on speech. There is a name for that – fascism.

DACA in the U.S. – a Legal, Not a Political Issue – the Demise of the Great Divider’s Agenda

DACA covers immigrants who were brought to the US illegally by their parents when they were children. The key operative word here is “illegally” (not “undocumented” as the Obama administration used to love calling them, to take away the notion they were in the US illegally). Truthfully, the only thing the government has to consider is that people covered by Obama’s illegal DACA executive order are in the United States illegally. While the very ultra-liberal San Francisco Federal Court (no surprise that all of the plaintiffs from other jurisdictions chose that jurisdiction to hear the case, a blatant example of forum shopping) cast the question as Constitutional, the administration’s discontinuance of DACA is not unconstitutional, it is simply a legal question of US immigration law, one that has been kicked down the road for almost 20 years. And the clear legal question is simply that persons in the US illegally, which all DACA persons are, are subject to deportation. There is no current law that allows them to stay, aside from Obama’s Executive Order. The District Judge here was just buying time until the Democrats can twist a DACA solution out of the Republican Congress before the DACA program ends. It is judicial activism at its very very worst.

Is it a difficult question? Absolutely. Most DACA people are in the U.S. since infancy (though some are not) and if sent back to their parents’ home country would be “foreigners” there, having not been there since infancy. Does that entitle them to U.S. Citizenship? No, there is no law that entitles them to become citizens after having entered the U.S. illegally. The San Francisco Court is making up new law the Court cannot make. Is there any other country on earth that does not deport any who overstay their visa or illegally enter the country? No, every country deports illegal immigrants. The U.S. now has over 14 million illegal immigrants, many in California. There are 800,000 DACA immigrants. Their staying in the U.S. has always been a long-term Democratic Party strategy, because adding hundreds of thousands of voters to their rolls will sway all elections for generations. It is not a question of a difficult moral issue, but rather a plain political choice.

I am in favor of letting DACA people stay (and some other long-term, non-criminal immigrants). However, I would prohibit them, as a condition of staying, from ever becoming U.S. Citizens, and from ever becoming citizens as a parent of American citizens (because of chain migration, their children are American citizens, and they can argue their status is rendered legal, and apply for citizenship), granting some form of permanent Green Card without a path to citizenship, which will never be available to anyone who entered the U.S. after a certain date sometime in the past 5 years, or whichever period is acceptable, as long as it has already expired. It is a fair trade. The reason for the harshness in dealing with DACA people is to ensure anyone who sneaks into the U.S. understands they cannot become a citizen by having U.S. babies, a common canard, and are subject to deportation. There is a line to get citizenship, and they need to get at the back of the line.

It is most curious how the 9th Circuit federal courts treated Obama with gentleness, despite the illegality of most of his Executive Orders (which basically circumvented the U.S. Legislative process, because he knew he could not win if the Congress voted on those issues), yet treat the current administration, doing the same thing, as a pariah. In its last decision killing the temporary order issued by another highly liberal Court in Hawaii, upheld by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, the Supreme Court overturned the order because of its over-broadness.  The same would apply here.

President Obama turned the U.S. legal system upside down, and legislated his own socialist agenda through executive order. The thing is, executive orders live only as long as a President is in office. Once he/she leaves, those orders are subject to revocation, and the current administration has set about undoing Obama’s sharp turn towards the fascism of the left, something that is still echoing a year after Obama’s term ended. What the Great Divider (Obama) rendered by fiat (political correctness at its worst, fascism of the left at its worst, reverse racism at its worst, judicial activism at its very worst, Oppeasement of evil, at its worst, withdrawal of the U.S. from a leadership role in the world, at its worst, betrayal of almost every ally, at its worst, fecklessness at its worst) is being undone. Note that North Korea is talking to the South…many will say it is a slap in the face of President Trump, who used strident rhetoric for the first time in two decades against the Hermit Kingdom – but I believe strongly it is Junior using the Olympics BECAUSE of the stridency as a good excuse to dial down the conflict, one of the chief purposes of the stridency in the first place. The best Obama could muster against evil was tutting…tutting! That really helped with Syria, didn’t it? Here we are years down the road from an invisible red line, millions of refugees and nothing to show from Obama’s spinelessness and Oppeasement. Bombing the airstrip in Syria when Assad used chemical weapons was the best example of consequences we’ve had over there in 8 years. I’m done with Oppeasement. Whether with Communist China, Russia, Iran, the Palestinians, illegal immigrants, North Korea or other ills, what we need is less of Obama’s eternal hesitation and spinelessness, and more decisive stridency.

Grave Danger Posed by China’s Trojan Horse – One Belt One Road

I have written before here about the grave danger posed by China’s One Belt One Road initiative – it is China’s Trojan Horse in Europe, Communist Chinese lucre a smokescreen for the Chinese Communist Party’s power grab, continuing battle with the U.S. for influence, and for the Communist Party’s hegemonic designs.

Greece fell prey to China because it has been the EU’s pauper, and bristled at its treatment at the hands of German/EU austerity in response to Greece’s uncontrolled spending. Hence, China’s offer of billions to Greece was most opportune for the Chinese Communist Party and welcome for Greece – and as usual, any money China “invests” has strings – strings to support its totalitarian system, its political evil, and its continuing assault on Western democracy and any kind of freedom.

In an article published in the Taipei Times on Monday, January 8, 2018 on p. 5 (Europe Wary of ‘One Belt One Road’), the article notes “The former NATO chief said that Greece — a major recipient of Chinese largesse — had in June last year blocked an EU declaration condemning Chinese rights abuses.” Here is the rub – take money from China, kneel to Uncle Xi and his political agenda. The march of the Chinese Communists begins with the infection wrought from within its Trojan Horses. Greece bent over for Uncle Xi. More to come in Europe.

I for one don’t trust France’s Macron to resist China’s Trojan Horse offerings, trading access to a fake Chinese market (there is no Chinese market except for Chinese companies so long as foreign companies are required to partner with Chinese local partners, themselves Communist Party Trojan Horses) for softness on Communist China’s political demands and violations of human rights and every other fundamental French principle. France has been perennially rushing to China to get better market position and to tell the Emperor Xi his clothes are most lovely. I haven’t trusted President Trump with such issues either, the bright light of China’s phantom market a very juicy mirage hard to resist. Trump also is not so enamored with Democracy as he is with Businessocracy, and evening out the playing field with Communist China is a priority – but even that comes with risks of Trojan Horses. There is also the North Korea chess game that China has been playing with the U.S. for 25 years, and playing it very well against the Clinton, Bush and Obama administrations, and continuing with the current administration, though Trump’s unpredictability and bullish attitude has China unnerved. The EU’s stance on North Korea and Iran is disappointing – appeasement at its worst.

Europe does not have the backbone to resist Communist China’s hegemony and political moves, because Europe has no stomach for conflict (its foreign policy is basically “appease, appease, appease”) and is so eager to jump on any advantage over the US with Chinese trade when there are conflicts, such as North Korea or the South China Sea. We do not see Europe sending carriers to the region or supporting the US in its opposition to North Korea’s nuclear ambitions (only softness, weakness and more appeasement). The same can be said of Iran, where Europe has lined up with China and Russia in failing to comprehend the value of a strong hand against a rogue enemy like Iran. Europe’s suicidal embrace of the enemies of democracy is both surprising and disgusting, turning my stomach every time I see it (note the loving comments made yesterday by High Representative of the European Union (EU) for Foreign Affairs and Vice-President of the European Commission Federica Mogherini about Cuba and dictator Raul Castro, like the words of a lover). Consequently, I have no faith that Europe can resist Communist China’s quest to plant as many Trojan Horses as possible around Europe. Let’s remember that Europe failed to act to stop the conflagration in Syria, instead following Obama’s Oppeasement policy there, and the result was millions of refugees flooding Europe, something that will change adversely European culture, society and politics for many generations. Already many people are fearful of travel to Europe, caring about where it is safe…

One Belt, One Road will look bright and shiny to the EU’s infrastructure starved members. But the cost of that infrastructure is political suicide and being indebted to Communist China, a tyrant who demands obedience to its “life with Chinese characteristics.”