From MAGA to “MAWA” or “MAMA” – American Far-left Destroying the US One Freedom At a Time.

Many people have written or said many uncomplimentary things about President Donald Trump. Nevertheless, despite the intentionally unfair and untruthful characterizations of his tenure as President, and the TDS (“Trump Derangement Syndrome”) that gripped the far left almost to the point of rendering liberal lemmings apoplectic, America thrived during those 4 years, and enemies of peace, democracy, freedom, capitalism and strength were cowed and rendered mostly impotent (in particular Communist China, the world’s worst threat to peace and prosperity, a genocidal regime hell bent on world domination).

MAGA (“Make America Great Again”) was at the same time a rallying cry for patriotic lovers of the United States and supporters of the American president, Donald J. Trump, and anathema to President Trump’s denouncers and far leftists unhappy with American exceptionalism, who 1. despise America (from inside and outside the US), 2. wish they were America, and had its influence, 3. thrive on chaos and seek power, enemies of freedom in general, 4. are some American allies who are like little guttersnipes nipping at America’s heels, wanting to be what America is without doing what America does, and want what it has, without accomplishing what America has worked so hard to make, and having its power, but being consistently weak and fearful and never leading, always appeasing.

Throughout history, when leftists cannot win, they either change the rules or overthrow. In America now, it has been a two-step process. Using the Coronavirus pandemic as an excuse to change election rules, Democrats expanded “vote-by-mail” (a/k/a “cheat-by-mail”) which essentially allowed for hundreds of thousands if not millions of fraudulent votes to find their way into swing-state ballot boxes, engineering a coup. Now, having installed a cognitively challenged career politician who frankly cannot find his way from the Executive bedroom to the Oval Office without a guide as President, and a trained Marxist as VP, the dangerous far-left, with two dimwits at the helm, have taken over the American government. Enemies? Joyous. Allies? Joyous (grab power by filling in the vacuum left by Barry 2.0). Ordinary Americans? Suffering, suffering, suffering, because that is what the far-left does – destroys culture, economy, discipline, and installs chaos.

The American Marxist plan is to weaken America (hence “MAWA”, “Make America Weak Again”, or “MAMA”, “Make America Marxist Again”, “again” in both cases referring to Barry 1.0), and its agenda is straight out of the Marxist playbook, including Mao’s Little Red Book. Destroying a capitalist republic requires destroying history, culture, education, family units, traditions, holidays, heroes, statues, artwork, books, criminal laws, police, military, the nation’s reputation, and using censorship, criminals, shaming, monopolizing education of the very young, group-think, cancel-culture, fear-mongering, racist tropes, and other similar tactics to justify absolute power, and cancel every democratic institution until there is only far-left absolute power left. In only 6 months, the American left has accomplished a good deal of this.

Every single Marxist regime in history has failed, and failed miserably. It doesn’t matter to the far-left. They are not interested in success. They can’t think that far ahead. Their only target is destroying what exists, not inventing what comes next. That’s why Marxism is so dangerous. It leads nowhere but to the toilet, and that is perfectly suitable for far-leftists. That is their milieu, their comfort zone. Dystopia is their nirvana. This hopeless cycle of destruction cannot be allowed to affect the ONLY force on Earth that can stop evil in its tracks. Europe needs to pay attention. Without America, there only comes chaos.

I firmly believe that most of the nations on Earth resented President Trump for one reason or another. Leftists lamented how he was disliked by enemies and allies alike. Ask me if I care that President Trump was disliked. I do not measure alliances by who is our friend when everything is ok. I measure alliances by who understands who their best friend is when the going gets rough. Every member of the EU understands that in a conflict, the EU cannot protect any part of it, let alone all of Europe. The only place that protection exists is America. For this reason, our function in the world is not to be everyone’s friend or anyone’s friend, or even likeable. Our function is to be the single strongest force on Earth for good, freedom, peace, democracy, human rights, honesty, and protecting each and all of these things. Doing this does not make friends. But for me, it is not necessary for us to be liked, it is only necessary for us to be strong and true and do our job. Barry of course not only did not understand this, he hated it. His first act was to apologize for America’s strength, and deny it. That is why he was weak. Oppeasement. Obamunism. Biden’s regime is a diluted, sick, viral, diseased version of Barry’s pathetic administration. Barry was popular. Trump was powerful. I will take powerful each and every time. Barry can have his fans and dance all night long. He does so now only because Donald saved America from Barry’s pathetic weakness. You’re welcome.

Now we have to start all over and MAGAA – Make America Great Again, Again.

Responding to Van Jones’ comments on the President’s “expected” refusal to concede

Van Jones spoke on TED on YouTube on October 26, 2020, a week before the election about President Trump’s anticipated refusal to concede the election if Biden won, which refusal to concede has now actually taken place given the legal issues regarding the rampant alleged election fraud committed by the Democratic Party until after these issues are determined. I entered the following comment responding to Van Jones’ lengthy TED speech.

1) concession speech – Hillary to Biden “DO NOT CONCEDE!!!!!” Yeah. So it’s okay for Biden to refuse to concede no matter what, but not Trump where there is glaring fraud? What about where there is glaring irregularities in the vote, like in Bush vs. Gore? Sure, concessions are there when there is a clear outcome in the election. But here, it was clear that mail in voting was going to cause problems, and the Democratic controlled cities and states decided that Republican observers would NOT be permitted to observe the counting, even after a court ordered they be admitted. Justification for challenging the vote. Stay tuned for outcome. 2) You said Gore conceded after the Sup. Ct. decided the case – ha ha..well, but he did not conceded until after the court decided the important question of which Florida votes were LEGALLY countable – uh….basically the same issue which will be decided by the Supreme Court in this election – Same thing. 3) All of what happens after the election and concession until January 6th is in the Constitution. The Concession is meaningless. It is the Constitutional function that actually determines the presidency. You have it backwards. Completely. The law is there for a reason. 4) You totally mixed apples and oranges by claiming that bringing a new slate of electors to the electoral college vote is the same as challenging allegedly fraudulent ballots in Court. The former is untenable, the lawsuits are in fact completely necessary when there has been evidence of fraud, as here in at least 5 states, and probably more. The outcomes of those cases will help determine the outcome of the election. That is how the system works. There is nothing wrong with that system. If the claims of fraud are spurious, they will be thrown out of Court. If not, they will be carefully considered. Bush vs. Gore is a good example. 5) As for the Constitutional method for choosing the president when it goes to the House of Representatives, the system designed by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution, and in place for 245 years, is that it is one state, one vote. And you are right. There are more red states than blue states. America is a patchwork of states across 3,000 miles of amazing land encompassing 50 states. But “blue states” are concentrated on the coasts, and “red states” are concentrated in mostly the center of the nation, where there are far more states. Sour grapes? sounds like it to me. But Van, you called it a “coup”. Of course you did. But you called it a perfectly Constitutional coup. That is a ridiculous statement, as I just pointed out. It is the Constitution. Want to change it? Good luck. You know the process that has been in force for 245 years. Follow it. Go for it. 6. You keep talking about challenging the results by refusing to accept, but if the election is determined after all legal challenges, then it is over. Period. Why are you creating an issue where it does not exist? 7. “Progressive organizations are preparing to warn Americans about the threat to Democracy.” Van. Listen. The biggest threat to Democracy has been the extensive fraud committed by the Democratic Party in this election, the participation of the media in censoring the opposition to essentially shut them up (basically eliminating any reference to the Biden revelations in the weeks before the election, and many other issues), putting in place a system of wholesale mail in voting which contained absolutely none of the checks and balances in assuring one qualified voter, one vote, and then counting the votes in secret (something done in banana republics, like Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia, Russia) Democracy is threatened by the left. Make no mistake. 8. Finally, stop referring to the president’s legal actions to determine the outcome of the election as a “coup”. The only “coup” here is the one that began over 4 years ago to impeach the President (failed) and ending with the current attempt by the Democratic Party to stuff the ballot boxes with bogus ballots (e.g. hundreds of thousands of fake ballots which only vote for Biden, with no other races selected, backdated ballots, illegal ballots, etc.), and then count them in secret, to destroy Trump ballots (which can never be recounted in a recount if they are destroyed), using computer software to change the outcome, and various other methods which will come to light in the lawsuit to be filed this week and in the coming weeks. Just like there is no concession under these circumstances, there is no “president-elect”, because the races have not been completed yet under existing law.

Taipei Times Uncensored

I wrote and posted at the Taipei Times for almost 20 years. When I wrote a comment in the Taipei Times criticizing China for lying about the Wuhan Virus, and then lying about lying about the virus, and when I criticized Tedros for being the lapdog of the Chinese Communist Party for his heaping of oodles of praise on China for its “handling” of the virus, and the WHO’s official policies which inevitably suppressed the initial dangers of the virus in order to mollify Communist China for fear it would cut off the WHO’s access to facts on the ground, I was kicked off Facebook, though my post was published on the Taipei Times website without any issue. Facebook has been censoring comments critical of Communist China and/or Tedros and/or the WHO. As a consequence, I am unable to post at the Taipei Times or comment on any of the articles published there. I wrote to the editor to ask that the Taipei Times provide other access to posting, but thus far no changes have been made. After almost 3 months of being banned, I have decided to post my comments on the Taipei Times here under the title “Taipei Times Uncensored” instead of at the Taipei Times website because in order to comment or post there, you must have a Facebook account, and only a Facebook account. This in effect allows Facebook, which has previously had a pro-Communist Party approach, to censor the posting and comments at the Taipei Times, one of the world’s only pro-Taiwan news organizations. That is a tragic turn of events.

In the Taipei Times on June 6th on Page 8, an editorial was published entitled “States Risk Public’s Violent Anger”, written by Nigel Li, a student at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations. The first major mistake in the premise of the article is somehow conflating what is happening in the United States with either the Hong Kong protests, or with action taken by any number of totalitarian states against violent protests. There can be no comparison between the democratic system of government and justice in the United States and those dictatorships, where democracy and justice are unknown. Because the United States has one of the most objective legal systems in the world, and a strong constitution protecting freedom and justice, especially under the First Amendment and the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments, there is no need for violence except to wreak havoc or cause chaos, which is the objective of anarchy and revolution, two features of the current socialist/communist wing of the Democratic Party, pushing the Democratic Party run districts so far to the left it has become frightening. Thus every opportunity to cause chaos has been fully supported and in fact instigated by the Democratic Party, including the current riots regarding the death of George Floyd in police custody, which have been taken over by the extreme left.

Anyone familiar with the political climate in the US should by now understand the fear of the Democratic Party that the Wuhan Virus will be mostly resolved in the next few months, that the economy may come roaring back, and that these juggernauts will make it impossible to defeat the incumbent president, Donald Trump. Thus, racial chaos and anarchy is helpful the Democrats believe, to their cause. However, the Democrats are completely tone deaf because they still do not understand the extraordinarily high percentage of Americans who support the protests and yet loathe the riots, and can understand the difference. The calls by the Democrats to “defund the police” is simply another leftist wet dream to leave the state undefended in the face of the anarchy and socialist/communist revolution currently being instigated. Left up to the Democrats, any conservative who doesn’t use the latest leftist approved language should be arrested, but those who loot, steal, sell drugs, commit assault, murder or commit other felonies should not even be arrested, hence “defund the police”. But there are very few in the US who want to go down that road, and the cacophony in the media, which is overwhelmingly in opposition to the President, makes it seem the country is united in opposition to the president and hostile to the police. The left made the same mistake in 2016 and were shocked they lost the election. They are in for another rude awakening.

Secondly, “journalists” (in quotes here because almost all of the liberal press have been reduced to propaganda writers for the Democratic Party, not journalists) should not conflate protests and violence in the United States with those things in totalitarian countries, like Communist China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba, and other dictatorships or with the life in Taiwan during the KMT rule, when it inevitably tried to deliver Taiwan into Communist China’s orbit permanently. There is a system of law and justice in the US which has been a model for the developed world for more than 200 years. Protests and even riots against the totalitarian rule of the KMT were justified. If anything, the socialist/communist wing of the Democratic Party is far more like China, the old Soviet Union, Cuba or Venezuela than like the US or Taiwan.

As for racial justice in the United States, the Democratic Party was the party I might remind you of slavery in the United States until Republic Party President Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves with his Emancipation Proclamation and the success of the Civil War in America in the 1860’s. Moreover, the Democratic Party was hardly the party of justice for blacks in the US or for civil rights until the 1960s, and then the Democratic party embarked on a process to buy the votes of minorities in the US through welfare and other programs and to basically establish institutions of government that would spend the next 60 years keeping minorities dependent on welfare and similar programs in order to maintain their voting power. This prevails until today, and we are witnessing yet another step in the process of using race as a justification for anarchy.

When the Democratic Party lost to President Trump in 2016, it was shocked and dismayed, and has spent the past 4 years attempting a coup by a thousand cuts, beginning with a impeachment based on phantom charges of so-called Russian Collusion (failed coup), and then coming up with issue after issue as attempts to justify impeaching the President (all failed). The threshold for impeachment was lowered to ridiculous levels in the US by the desperate Democrats, and their willingness to try anything and everything to unseat the President has possibly damaged the US institution of government permanently.

When impeachment failed, the Democrats decided to use the pandemic as a new justification for criticism of the President and for renewed calls for impeachment, despite it being clear China and the World Health Organization at China’s behest misled the world on the origins of the Wuhan Virus. That failed as well. When the pandemic was turning the corner, cases and deaths dropped to far lower levels, and the economy was on the verge of reopening, the death of George Floyd at the hands of a white police officer engaging in brutal force provided yet another opportunity for the Democratic party to interrupt the recovery by encouraging and supporting weeks of chaos and riots, including murder, violence and looting. The Democratic party, always the party that thrives on chaos, dead bodies and the promise of government money, is now calling for “defunding” the police (whatever the hell that is), and basically reducing the US to a nation without the ability to enforce its law. That is of course the end aim of a party wishing to foment a socialists/communist revolution. In order to do that, the police must be neutered.

On the issue of race in the US, I don’t know what “institutional racism” is. Prominent black leaders (including President Obama) and commentators have for years advised the black communities that single father households and persistent crime do far more to keep blacks from breaking out of ghettos and poverty than racism (“More than half of all black children live in single-parent households, a number that has doubled — doubled — since we were children.”). There is no doubt racism exists, and there is no doubt blacks die at higher rates from gun violence. But the overwhelming number of deaths of blacks by gun violence are not at the hands of white police, or even white shooters, but at the hands of other young black men (over 80%, or more). These statistics are hard to dig out, as the prevailing statistical analysis (to support the Democratic Party narrative of institutional racism) is the number of black victims, not the number of black perpetrators. President Obama over his 8 years at President of the US did nothing to address this “black on black” crime, or the single father home in over 50% of black families, and the effect that has on sons and daughters. The welfare system designed by Democrats, that is paying money to families with a single mother with children and no partner, also encouraged these developments in single parent homes. Obama did speak of this problem a few times between 2008 and 2014, but his administration did nothing to address it. “In 1960, the year before Obama was born, 22 percent of black children lived with single parents. In 1968, the number rose to 31.4 percent. By 2006, the 1960 percentage had more than doubled to 56 percent.” [Politifact fact check]. 

What makes the US different from totalitarian nations like China, Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, N. Korea, Iran and many others is the US has a well-defined system of law and justice in effect and . The police involved in the George Floyd matter have been arrested and will be charged, and tried. They will be permitted to make a defense and a jury will decide their guilt or innocence when all of the facts are known. This does not take place in dictatorships.

The left at this moment does not wish for there to be a trial. They wish for there to be a lynching, and steps in that direction are censorship (e.g. if anyone questions BLM, they are censored), disbanding the police, controlling the populace to conform to the Democratic party’s ideology, changing history and destroying historical icons (e.g. Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, Abraham Lincoln, John Kennedy, Andrew Jackson, and many many others), pulling down statues and monuments, desecrating the US national flag and National Anthem, imposing new language and banning common language (Drew Brees, a celebrated NFL Quarterback spoke about disagreeing with anyone desecrating the flag or the anthem, and he was pounced on by the MSM and the BLM movement, and forced to retract his statement – oddly, his statement is supported by a huge overwhelming majority of Americans). These things are happening now, and have happened before in every instance where socialist/communist revolutions occurred. Those revolutions were accompanied by millions and millions of deaths (in Cambodia over 1.5 million, in Communist China at the hands of Mao between 50-80 million), commonly of professionals, including lawyers, teachers, and others, and murder of capitalism, replaced by state control over every aspect of life. This is what the Democratic Party now seeks, as it is unhappy with a majority of American’s rejecting the Party’s extremist views on most aspects of American life, especially free speech.

The world should be quite worried. If the Democratic party prevails, the US will withdraw as it did under Obama, Taiwan and Israel will be under assault, and Europe will be required to lead the world, and it has demonstrated over and over and over, even today, it does not have the backbone to stand up to Russia, China, Iran, and many other nations determined to resist freedom as a way of life and destroy the West, and lacks the morals or the will or the ability to protect Taiwan or Israel. The world needs the US to be the defender of human rights and freedom, because frankly there is no one else on Earth suited to it or capable of doing it.

When You Can’t Win an Election, Steal It Over Any Number of Dead Bodies…

The Democratic Party understands there is no way to win the election in November, especially not with Biden as the candidate. Four years of impeachment nonsense was intended to create doubt to help the Democratic candidate win. That failed when impeachment turned out to be a lie. Endless investigations turned up nothing. Now it is clear that the Democratic Party was planning its “coup” even before the election by investigating the opposition candidate. That has never happened in the history of the United States. The Party has fallen that far under the leadership of Schiff, Nadler and Pelosi, and their henchmen and henchwomen.

Now, with the election only 5 months away, with the Corona-virus albatross turning the corner, with the universal blame of China resonating around the world, with the WHO demonstrating every day that it is the puppet of the Chinese Communist Party, the support for the President’s course on the pandemic is turning the corner. The economy has a good chance of roaring back to life. Bad news for the Democratic Party. These are two key issues.

Never one to waste publicity of a death, the Democratic Party is now pushing riots around the country over the Floyd arrest and murder (I defy you to find a Democrat who would dare criticize the rioters for wanton rioting as opposed to protesting, as opposed to egging them on in the face of this example of “racism” (never mind the rule of law, which is the whole argument against the treatment of Mr. Floyd by the police in the first place), and ignoring that in our system of law the officers involved with be subjected to justice and the officer involved has already already been arrested for murder*. The riots are good news for the Democratic Party. The party will fan the flames of riots for as long as possible, operatives of the party around the country are likely mobilized to support the riots and its leaders and bail the arrested out and keep the whole “revolution” going until the election, if possible.

However, once the connection is made between the Democratic Party and the chaos, the few who want revolution will be crushed by the many who want their lives normal, want their streets open, want to go back to work and back to school, and they will NOT support the riots. Now the Democrats are encouraging their followers to kill police officers, burn buildings and police stations, go after “white supremacists” which according to the Democratic Party playbook is any white person in the U.S. So far the riots, like in the past, are simply an excuse for mayhem and looting, and grabbing lots of “free stuff”.

The Democratic Party, now the Democratic Socialist Communist Party, has been fomenting revolution since 2016, and almost every single policy it has pushed involves censorship of ideas it doesn’t like, killing any chance for people to excel and better themselves (and choosing instead “leveling the playing field” by cutting the legs off any successful person (except Hollywood moguls who support them)(e.g., California deciding public universities such as UCLA and Berkeley will not accept the SAT and ACT tests as qualifications in favor of something else, more likely to result in fewer highly qualified students and more lower standard students, rendering a degree from those institutions tin degrees instead of platinum degrees.) This is the new America according to the Democratic Party. Keep in mind that for 8 years Obama told the world and the country that America was not exceptional. Now his party is ensuring that it will never be exceptional. I like an exceptional America. We and the world need it to be exceptional.

So we have this political party that secretly celebrates every corona-virus death because they can use the number against the President under their “absolute liability” theory (although so many deaths are attributable to the mismanagement of the pandemic in New York by the Governor and Mayor of New York), celebrates every time the stock market goes down, celebrates every criticism of the President by an enemy (thus siding with Communist China, Russia, Venezuela, Cuba, Iran, North Korea and others), celebrates censorship by MSM and social media of all opinions and facts opposed to the Democrats’ ideology, and celebrates the propaganda mills for their extreme leftist ideology established on most college campuses around the nation.

Though I have been a member of the Democratic Party since 1970, I did not vote for a Democratic Candidate in a long while, and it is hard to justify it when the Party was moved so far to the left by Clinton, then Obama and now Obama’s acolytes. The Democratic Party is anti-Asian, anti-Semitic, anti-Israel, anti-Caucasian, anti-religion, anti-military, anti-success and, so so sadly, anti-American. I vehemently oppose the Democratic Party revolution. I reject it. I despise it.

Davos Has Become an anti-Capitalism Socialist Club with No Credibility

An Associated Press anonymous anti-capitalism piece which appeared in the Taipei Times and other publications today entitled “Rising inequality eroding trust in capitalism – survey” is nothing more than liberal propaganda masquerading as “scientific” research. What else is new?

“[T]he survey found that rising inequality in many rich countries has contributed to a weakening in trust in capitalism.”  The paradox is not that this is true, the paradox is that socialist mouthpieces, funded by guilty liberal billionaires throwing money at socialism from lofty penthouses and 50,000 square foot mansions, with fame and celebrity and pals in Hollywood and London and Paris people fawn over, access to the mainstream media (a liberal bullhorn around the world), a penchant for slogans, like “populism” and “white supremacy” and other similar epithets creating the impression that capitalism is unfair and “racist” and socialism is the light and the way (most of them cannot define socialism except to say it is not capitalism), but they secretly balk at giving up all of their cash when confronted.

Trouble is, every socialist experiment in human history devolved into dictatorship, cruel, punishing, daunting, crushing dictatorship (Venezuela is a good example, Cuba another, the Soviet Union, “Communist China”, and so on). For proof that articles like this about fantasy research hold any validity we need only read the article straight out of Davos, infected with this socialist disease: ““Fears are stifling hope, and long-held assumptions about hard work leading to upward mobility are now invalid,” [Edelman] said…Corruption, corporate misbehavior and fake news are eroding trust, he said, as are fears over automation in the workplace, a lack of training, immigration and the gig economy…The survey showed that 83 percent of employees globally were concerned about their jobs.”

Is this the comment of a neutral researcher, fixated on the truth, or is it the statement of a committed liberal hell bent on producing the appropriate “scientific” result to produce this socialist trope? This is not objective research. It is a game aimed at a particular result.

The liberal socialist cadre sit in a circle all day long intoning their bullshit and after awhile since they only hear themselves they think it is the truth…it is the beginning of the end for hard-working people to raise themselves up through education, hard work, entrepreneurship, opportunity, and survival. Socialists want the government to take care of everything (basic needs, and not one cent more), so ordinary people only have to listen to the government, obey and bow down, and the socialist cadre can make the rules and enforce them. Like China…or Cuba, or Venezuela, or North Korea…idiots. Morons. I see through the propaganda, like this article and Davos itself. More brainwashing. More propaganda. It is not a meeting, it is a socialist answer in search of a question. 


The New Antisemitic Democratic Party – It is the Hypocrisy Party now.

Well, a dozen Democratic Party congresspeople in the US (including two Jews), have decided to try to censure Israel, never having done so to Hamas for murdering Jews, because Israel refused to allow a visit by Oman and Tlaib, two supporters of Palestinians and BDS. They are two of the most vitriolic, brazen and unrepentant Antisemites in the US Congress, issuing daily criticism of Jews and Israel with the same old centuries old tropes which preceded the Holocaust, have never died down in Europe, and are daily fare in Iran, the West Bank and Gaza. Oman and Tlaib set up Israel with a fake trip designed to attack Israel, support BDS (which is against Israeli law) and rather than meet with any Israeli government representatives for a dialogue, was designed to visit only Palestinians. Consequently, they were barred by Israel.

Barring these Antisemitic reprobates was more than fully justified. Their vitriol and hatred of Israel knows no measures, their constant diatribes against Israel have betrayed their rabid racism against Jews, and they have no place in Congress. They should have been censured themselves, and strongly. Where are the investigations into their antisemitic activities? Their contacts with known terrorist organizations?

What’s worse, their positions have been adopted by some of the Democratic Party candidates for President who have vowed to cut off all aid and military support of our primary ally in the Middle East, Israel, and have sworn to support the terrorists running the Palestinian government.

Could the Democratic Party be any more bizarre and disturbed than it is?  A blatantly Antisemitic political party which complains about “white supremacy” and constantly accuses the President of being a racist? Is there any greater hypocrisy? What is wrong with this party? The further to the left it has drifted, driven there by President Obama, the more fascist it has begun to look, and now we are seeing signs of the racism and hatred of Jews which has characterized many previous fascist movements.

It is essential these congresspeople get a grip on themselves and realize what idiocy they are speaking. They are adamantly supporting two Holocaust deniers who have been barred from entering Israel for violating Israeli law  barring anyone who support BDS from entering Israel. If the Democratic Party wants to get elected, it should be seriously worried about being seen as supporting Iran, Hamas, the PLO, China, Venezuela and other US enemies, as well as some of the other hateful positions put forth by AOC and her “squad” of racists.

Happy Birthday, America

Happy Independence Day.

Today, July 4th, our great country’s birthday, was in large part created by the words of Thomas Jefferson, who later became 3rd President of the United States. He said “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” These words have guided our nation for over 240 years, leading us towards a more perfect democracy and freedom. The U.S. has stood for so long as a beacon of liberty to the world, and woe to those who would deny liberty.

There are those among us in the U.S. today who are trying mightily to destroy whatever history the United States has, to rewrite it, pervert it, throw down our heroes and establish a terrible rule of fascism and political correctness that threatens those very words. I reject those who unfairly and errantly view those great leaders, like Thomas Jefferson, who lived hundreds of years ago by the standards we see today, which in very large part arose over the course of two hundred years from the very foundation created by Jefferson, among others, for their right to pursue those liberties in the first place. It is not only ironic, but it is hypocritical in the extreme.

I am certain there are those who will say I must be a racist because I disagree with the Colin Kaepernick narrative of despising his flag and his country, and those of his supporters. I also reject this label, a popular way of using race to taint any argument with which they disagree. I have never been and will never be a racist, and anyone, of any color or creed, or race or religion who know me know that is true. I love my country, the nation to which my ancestors fled in the midst of an earlier genocide against them, and they fled to pursue “Life, Liberty and …Happiness”. They struggled and strove and a few generations later their progeny succeeded in realizing that dream. The hatred we see by some today against tradition and history is a very common theme in fascism, where destroying history is one of the first steps in imposing properspeech, properthink, properact. We are midway through 2019 and I wake up every day and find we seem to be stuck in 1984. (by way of example, I will never purchase another Nike product until the company apologizes to America for refusing to use Betsy Ross’s flag on this very important day in our Nation’s history, because Colin, an idiot, finds it objectionable).

God Bless America, the greatest nation on Earth (despite what the twisted NYTimes thinks).

And God bless Israel and Taiwan, two democracies and free nations that also stand as beacons in their regions of liberty and justice, despite enemies that would destroy them because of those very achievements.

Bloomberg’s latest anti-Israel editorial is not only surprising, it is inane – Bloomberg says Israel is 100% responsible for the plight of Palestinians, not Hamas, not the PLO, not Abbas

Don’t look for the words Hamas, PLO or Abbas in the latest anti-Israel editorial offered by Bloomberg in the August 21, 2018 edition of the Taipei Times on P.9 entitled “The Palestinians cannot keep living under Israeli apartheid” penned by Hussein Ibish.

How is it possible to write a 3 page article about the “Palestinians'” misery and not mention the word “Hamas” or the term “PLO” or the name “Abbas”, lingering President of the PLO since 2005 (is there an election in sight)? The “Palestinians” are under the heel of those organizations and that man, not Israel. Israel affords more rights to its Arab citizens than most other Arab countries afford their own citizens. Tens of billions of dollars of aid to the Palestinians are wasted each year on terrorism, bombs, tunnels, brainwashing and corruption, and not to schools, hospitals, education and the betterment of the “Palestinian” people. Hamas and the PLO are dedicated to keeping the “Palestinian” people poor and wretched so that someone can write an article like this. In Bloomberg no less. What a travesty.

Golda Meir, President of Israel said 60 years ago “Peace? We will have no peace with the Arabs until they love their children more than they hate us.” Until they educate their children to be better and stop teaching them to hate Jews, the ultimate racism and Antisemitism in the world, there will be no solution. Israel’s motto is Never Again and it means Never. Ever. Surrounding nations should look to Israel as an example of how to have a successful democratic country in the midst of a sea of tyranny. Israel took a desert and turned it into an oasis. The Palestinians took an oasis and turned it into a desert, and now weep for living in a desert – like a child who murdered his parents and throws himself on the mercy of the Court as an orphan, seeking sympathy. The path to peace runs through Gaza and the PLO, not through Jerusalem. There is no negotiating peace with people who do not want peace, only genocide against the Jews once more. Israel, like Taiwan, is a unique nation, in Israel’s case fighting alone against a sea of racism, and in the case of Taiwan, against international greed and addiction for Chinese lucre. Great people and great ideas persist in the midst of adversity. Israel and Taiwan will prevail.

The fact Mr. Ibish’s article argues for Israel to be prevented from being a Jewish state (among a surrounding and nearby 24 nations which are Islamic states or Arab states where Jews are not welcome) is telling. This is another stab at destroying Israel, with immigration if necessary. The problem of the “Palestinians” is not Israel, it is Hamas and the PLO, both corrupt, both happiest when the people are the most pathetic, their “governments” are oppressive, there are no human rights, no women’s rights, no freedom, no due process (due process in Gaza means summary execution at the pleasure and fiat of Hamas leadership) and no accountability (and oddly no mention of either of them in this 3 page article). Abbas was “elected” in 2005 and he is still in power after 13 years and the people have not benefited one single bit in all that time. When the PLO and Hamas are thrown out of governing the people, there will be hope for a future. As long as the world, the U.N. especially, and anyone who wishes to destroy the notion of a Jewish state continue to support the “Palestinians” as cannon fodder, there will be no peace. Israel is a tiny Jewish state in its historical homeland of more than 3,000 years, the one place in the world Jews can be safe. That will never change again. Never. Ever.

America is and has always been and must be the leader of the free world – CNN’s (and its silly compadres’) opinion to the contrary says more about CNN than Donald Trump

The left in America for the past two years has been in mourning, so much so, that they hate America for their having lost the election. And now, as though “liberal” media has not embarrassed itself enough, they have declared that the U.S. is no longer the leader of the free world (n.b., these same news organizations declared Obama the leader of the free world before he even took office though he turned out to be the lapdog of the free world instead).

CNN and other news organizations have declared Angela Merkel or Emmanuel Macron leader of the free world. To carry this joke to its logical end, that would mean that the leader of the free world is in bed with China, dancing to China’s tune, like a puppet on a string. It also means this: can you imagine any country in the world, any single country saying the following: “Our democracy is under assault from dictators, from Russia and China, we need to be protected. God bless Emmanuel Macron! France will protect us,” Or saying “we need protection from attack by North Korea or Iran or Russia or China – thank God for Angela Merkel – Germany will save us”?

Ha ha ha ha ha. Imagine that. Germany and France cannot even protect themselves without the U.S., let alone protect anyone else.

The leader of the free world will always be the United States, and the current president, while certainly a dull tool, has had more courage in two years than President Obama has had his entire life. Yet Obama received the Nobel Prize before he began his administration, and was loved by Europeans because he was soft, and cuddly, and liberal, and a wuss. Europe just loves American presidents who are obedient and weak, because then the French and German leaders can strut around and pretend they are leaders, though at the first sign of conflict they will run behind the U.S. President and hide, and cry out “Appease, appease!”

Our nation is sick, mostly because the Great Divider Obama created a schism that will take a decade to repair. Obama set everyone against each other, poor against rich, black against white, Democrat against Republican, Muslim against everyone, women against men, companies against people, and the list goes on and on. For all of his erudite accolades, Obama did nothing more than leave the nation crippled and wounded and in chaos, so much so that his minions cannot to this day accept the fact that the country threw his party the hell out of office. Obama’s eight feckless years gave birth to Trump’s presidency.

America is, and always has been the leader of the free world. No other nation can alone keep the forces of evil at bay, and the free world safe from harm from the likes of China, Russia, Iran, North Korea and a host of other evildoers, and no other nation on Earth has the will to do so.

We live in a day when liberals, progressives, socialists, communists and other members of the Democratic party live without mirrors unable to see their own folly and injustice, practice hypocrisy and have been lobotomized by President Obama’s political correctness and divisive politics. Only when the left rejoins the United States can we move ahead with the greatness that is America and the great work yet to be done to preserve democracy and fight against the forces of tyranny.

Google searches only what the liberal media produces. CNN does not have the power to declare who is and is not the leader of the free world. That fact, that leadership, despite the temporary insanity of those few rabid voices, comes from the actions and power of the United States, and we remain true and brave and free and strong and democratic against a tide of injustice, hegemony, propaganda, extortion and bullying. All we can say is thank goodness America is still America in the face of such evil.

President Tsai’s Passive Demeanor Betrays Her Passion for Democracy, Justice and Freedom for Taiwan in the Shadow of Communist China’s Mortal Fear of Such Things

In Taiwan recently, much has been written on the second anniversary of President Tsai Ing-wen’s (蔡英文)  inauguration as President, about the criticism of her policies and her apparently “low” ratings.

I wrote often of these things. President Tsai has to contend with undoing all the damage done to Taiwan by her predecessor, Ma Ing-jieou for 8 years, and by all those Chinese Nationalist Party’s (Guomindang or KMT) leaders before him, and doing so in 2 years has been impossible. She has been facing issues in Taiwan which are generational or historic in nature, and she is faced with criticism both for being too quick and too slow at the same time. I agree that there seems to be excessive dithering by her administration, but it is like choosing the frying pan or the fire, and there is danger in either direction.

Reform is change, and change is often unpopular, particularly in Taiwan. This explains why “maintaining the status quo” is often the most popular choice of the majority of the people, a matter of accepting the way things are, the way people can bear, the way to survive (even thrive, if possible). Most people are unwilling to accept risk, and there is risk on every possible side of every possible choice. Most critics though, on both sides, do not really offer much help (for instance, having yet another government body make some decisions on transitional justice, while the Ill-gotten Party Assets Settlement Committee makes other decisions is definitely not a way to expedite justice – the results will never be popular for any KMT member, and there are enough KMT members in Taiwan to make a loud noise – many of us feel the Committee has been too ponderous, taking too long to effect transitional justice without the government prosecuting the people responsible for money laundering and fraud and other defalcations related to the KMT’s generations of theft from Taiwan), and simply do what is most common these days, which is just criticize.

President Tsai’s tasks are difficult. At some point she needs to be decisive, pursue the policies she believes in, be resolute and strong. Her tendency to be less emotional than some regarding her beliefs leaves many underwhelmed with her leadership. However, her stability can be reassuring if she can find a way to better communicate her passion to improve Taiwan’s and its people’s stature and health, and inspire Taiwanese to embrace a new path, finally resolve and throw off its 60 years of Party-state handcuffs, and step out into the world away from China and its persistent insult and injury, and get on with improving Taiwan’s already impressive accomplishments and stature, move out from under the shadow of Communist China, and establish new and enduring relations with the rest of the world.

But Taiwanese must realize this, and realize it well – electing KMT members will only result in reversing the great steps taken forward, bring Taiwan back into the death-embrace of Communist China, and kill Taiwan’s democratic freedoms and justice. The KMT will do this for a seat at the Communist Party table, having essentially mouthed the words of its dead leader Chiang Kai-shek (蔣介石) for decades while betraying every fiber of his hatred for communism by kneeling before the Emperor Xi as Taiwan previous President Ma Ing-jieou did before he left office, and sucking up to every single aspect of China’s evil plans for the world – all for $$ and KMT pride. Taiwanese must beware. There is a Lien Chan lurking in every corner of the KMT’s apparatus cackling and salivating at the chance to shake the hand of a Communist leader and get a pat on the head. “Good boy! Sit!”